Domain Name Transfers
Domain Name Transfers & Changes
Please click on a category below to view detailed instructions, forms and frequently asked questions related to transferring or making changes to your domain name.
You will need to send a fax on either the company letterhead and with an appropriate signature of the current registrant if a company, or a notorized fax if an individual. The fax must contain the name of the new registrant and all other contact and DNS information normally required for a new registration. Please see our registration section for more details of what is required.
Who is the legal registrant of a domain name?
When a domain name is registered, the "registrant" contracts the use of the domain name. However, there is no permanent registrant for any domain name. The "registrant" of a domain name is the original contact listed under Organization Using Domain Name (Registrant) at the time of registration, regardless of whether the other contact information has been changed since that time.
Please note that the Administrative contact is not automatically the registrant. Nic.LC recognizes the registrant as the final authority on a domain name, so please make sure that you have entered the correct registrant information at the time of registration. Changing a registrant associated with a domain name is a longer and more involved process and requires fax authorization.
How do I transfer registrant of a domain name?
You will need to send a fax on either the company letterhead and with an appropriate signature of the current registrant if a company, or a notorized fax if an individual. The fax must contain the name of the new registrant and all other contact and DNS information normally required for a new registration. Please see our registration section for more details of what is required.
Why would I need to transfer registrant of a domain name?
In the event that you would like to buy or sell a domain name, the only way to legally change the registrant information on file for the domain name is to undergo an official Transfer of Registrant with the registrar for the domain name.
Note: Simply editing Contact Information (such as Organization and Administrative contacts) does not constitute a Transfer of Registrant.
Where do I fax the transfer registrant letter, once it is completed?
Please fax the completed Transfer Registrant letter to:
+1 268 562-2558 or
+1 718 504-4461
How much does it cost to transfer registrant of a domain name and which registrant is responsible for the fee?
There is currently no charge to transfer a registrant. The remainder of the existing registration term is transferred to the new registrant.
Who negotiates the terms of transferring registrant between the current registrant and the new registrant?
The terms of buying and/or selling a domain name (i.e., transferring registrant) are to be negotiated and agreed upon by the current registrant and the prospective registrant. Nic.LC does not mediate such agreements.
Will changing the administrative contact and/or organizational contact information listed for my domain name change registrant of the domain name?
No, the only way to legally change registrant of a domain name is to undergo a Transfer Registrant. Click here to find out more details on what is required to transfer registrant for a domain name.