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Modify Domain Name

There are several items that can be modified for a domain name. These include the following:


  1. Modify Registrant (ownership Transfer)
  2. Modify Contact Details
  3. Modify Nameserver Details
  4. Modify Registrar (Registrar Transfer)



Registrant Transfer

To Transfer a Domain Name from one Registrant to Another, you will need to fill out an email template and send it in, along with a fax letter from the current registrant agreeing to the Transfer.

If the current registrant is a business or company, then the fax must be on company or business letterhead and signed by an authoritative person within the organization that can legally bind the company or who is authorized to make such decisions.

If the current registrant is a person, then the fax must be notarized from a qualified notary public.

Instructions for filling out the email template can be found here.

An example email template registrant transfer instructions can be found here.







Modify Contact Details

To change the details of any contact for any domain name, the email template will have to be completed with the changes and sent to

Instructions for filling out the email template can be found here.

An example email template to modify contact details can be found here.







Modify Nameserver Details

To change the nameservers associated with a domain name, the email template will have to be completed with the changes and sent to

Instructions for filling out the email template can be found here.

An example email template to modify nameserver details can be found here.






Transfer Domain Name from one Registrar to Another


To Transfer a Domain Name from one Registrar to Another, either the current registrant, an existing registrar (the gaining registrar), or the administrative contact can send in the email request, along with the appropriate AUTH CODE for the domain name. The AUTH CODE is an alphanumeric key of up to sixteen characters that is used to authenticate a request for transfers.

If you do not have an AUTH CODE for a domain name, you may request it from the current (losing) registrar and provide it to the new (gaining) registrar, who will then make the request for a transfer on your behalf.

If the losing registrar does not respond with either an ACK or a NACK, then the domain name will be transferred after five (5) days.

If the losing registrar responds with an ACK, then the domain name will be transferred immediately.

If the losing registrar responds with a NACK, then the domain name will not be transferred.

Instructions for filling out the email template can be found here.

An example email template registrar transfer instructions can be found here.


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